Tuesday, October 26, 2004


I've had enough of these women who think they're CEOs. A woman CEO? That's like Derek Jeter playing in the ballet, or Manny playing soccer. It was only last year that i learned soccer was originally a sport for men. What a crock of shit! Old Europe! They can go drink some Hefeweitzen. I'll stick to Coors! By the way, Pete Coors for Senate! Democrats are too busy humping trees and appeasing the terorists. Don't they know we're in a war? I'll tell yo what, John Kerry betrays the troops when he says they're dying for a mistake. That really chaps my hide. Maybe he should go move to france and eat frogs. Let's bust those terorists up. I tell you what, Pat Tilman is a real war hero. Not that pansy-ass John Kerry. Have you seen his wife? She and Hillary and Rosey O'Donnell should go marry eachother and coach women's basketball. The men and women in the armed forces aren't bleeding on the battlefield so Hillary Clinton jump around in her $3,000 pant suit. I'll tell you that. I'll be praying for those ladies.


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