Saturday, March 05, 2005


Larouche tells a strong story. People have used it to gather in the streets. But the character of the gathering, from what I've seen, is not exceptional. Lots of talking, not much listening. The assumption is, "we know". They're in the same category as scientologists, mormons, republicans, and democrats. They rally around their story and get together to hammer on people. They don't have ANYTHING TO ACTUALLY DO, so they bark and cull for converts. Larouche's story is actually DISEMPOWERING. His assumption is that THINGS ARE BAD and that someone other than ourselves IS TO BLAME! Who? THE CHILDREN OF SATAN! (He wrote three different books called CHILDREN OF SATAN. The argument runs through Hitler, Strauss, Wolfowitz, The Financial System, Geometry. It ain't real high quality.)


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