Friday, August 12, 2005


I do not believe that the symbols on paper game can resolve the problem of seperateness. This is the mother of all physics problems, the essential character of our lives and of the universe. None of the immediate solutions to this problem are symbolic statements. Such statements are symptomatic of the problem.

Individuals have developed myriad strategies for distracting themselves from the discomfort inherent in physical division. Positing a teleology of unification is, from my perspective, just another one of these strategies. Yes, the existing regime of seperateness, its scale and particular detail, permits a special kind of "interface". I am "me" and you are "you". There are two of us, and we belong to the same pattern. From my persepctive, this is the physics problem that is worth solving. I solved this problem previously, but not to what I now perceive as its full extent.

Once the patterning from the events of birth and life has been expunged, the full experience of unity is possible. There are several approaches to expunging this patterning and achieving god-receptivity. The best of these were first proposed in India.


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