Friday, December 17, 2004


folks have been intimidated by the government. it controls such an awesome instrument of violence that intimidation is actually apropriate. at least, that's what george bush wants you to think. he talks tough. he attacks pre-emtively. he intimidates the fuck out other nations.

people are affraid. but if they had the kind of faith george bush would say christians should have, they wouldn't be affraid. but they are. and bush makes them so. he destroys faith. of course, bush is not the enemy. he only appears to be more of an actor than others. bush has been chosen to be the intimidator.

the truth is that america will not be intimidated. we didn't let the germans intimidate us, and we didn't let the soviets intimidate us. not the japanese. now, we won't let "the middle east" intimidate us. this would be a well-articulated conservative line. so bring the ships, the planes, guns, the bombs, and the tanks and the grunts, hyped up on death metal played on devices bought from wal-mart. we will fuck you up so bad that you will never recover. disorganizing you're culture block by block, bomb by bomb, raid by raid, the organic human order that prevailed formerly, the flow of bodies, hearts, stomachs, walls, and words, that has been terminated. we felt intimidated by you and now you are over. smart-bomb in your face. booooh-yah! we've got all kinds of moves and tools. marlboros, soda, nikes, brittney, we work in mysterious ways. you will not intimidate the united states of america.

it's one big intimidation game. bush has just been honest about it. we will intimidate the fuck out of anyone who tries to intimidate us. is that such a bad thing? isn't it better than the alternative?

however, there may be a general spiritual law that you can't go on intimidating people forever. hence, the fall.

people are engaged in power relations even in america. the macrcopic power relations are due to a function of the microscopic power relations. psychologists say police have an issue here.


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