Thursday, December 09, 2004

space command

christmas is the season for shopping. a good time to cheer and drink spiced nogg. i've been making visits to the apple store. it's a real advanced place, like a space building or like you're inside the computer case. at lockheed, we worked round the clock to beat the soviets. freedom was that important. we were america's best hope. when rumors of the first T-49 DJAM Orbiter started wafting through the inner sanctums of R&D, nobody could believe it. the director had surely gaffed, we couldn't build it and there would be hell to pay. we pulled together like no one had ever seen, working round the clock, betty making coffee and buffing our slide-rules. we popped it out like gangbusters. photos were taken. careers were made. bets lost. everyone at space command was brenda.


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