Monday, December 20, 2004


the war has gotten boring. at this point, who cares? it'll be the same shit for who knows how long. i guess it's only your problem if you're in the military. that's how things seem to work these days. the crime in your neighborhood ain't your problem. it's the police's problem. the war? the army's problem. your health? the doctor's problem. blame someone else. blame bush. blame the evil corporations, the republicans, the red states. the homeless people that harass me as i walk down the street? it's not their fault. they're the victims! i'll tell you what. there's one group that deserves blame for the current global predicament, and that is France.


Blogger Alden Clarke said...

the french don't want to work. all they want to do is write flowery prose and pin the tail on the donkey.

12:42 PM  

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