Monday, December 13, 2004

the lord's prayer

these government types need to get to spanking the ol' monkey. that's right, it's tax time. uncle sam's got it in for you. he'll send you to iraq in an up-armored humvee and thank you for your service. look out for the improvised explosive devices, or IED's. be quick on your toes. don't get caught with your hands in your pants. be vigillent, steadfast, and strong, or the enemy will attack. try to attack the enemy pre-emptively, before he strikes. this could save the entire platoon.

i read to-day that the insurgents of al faluja have been attacking under the influence of drugs. this only strengthens our resolve. this is not just the war on terror, it is the war on drugs, not to mention the war against the radical islamist devil gangs. we will prevail, for their god is weak. he's got no moses, no jesus, no matthew or paul. just a blind cleric with a chinese ak-47 and a pinch of HMX.

the us is number one because of our unrivaled ingenuity and resoluteness. we surprise the enemy with the overwhelming fire power of our army. ratta tat tat with the gat, if you get my meaning, charlie. it's the greatest nation in the history of the world. we'll pump them full of lead and drop the daisy cutter on 'em. they hate us for our freedom. bring 'em on. use the Lord's Justice VIII tactical nuclear anhilation (TNA) device. put bags on their heads and electrocute 'em. show muhammad what freedom's all about. in jesus name, the lord god is our holy saviour. halleluja. may jesus drive a mighty steak through the heart of al muhammad.


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